In Goon VS Gull, you play as a Goon who gets their wallet stolen by a seagull. You have to get it back.

Use the arrow keys to move, and space bar to jump.


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Bugs: No insects present in the game

Strengths: The shopkeeper looks like he could be pretty strong under his robe 

Weaknessesesses: Goon is too distractingly attractive to maintain focused gameplay.

Changes or Improvements: Improvments. 

finish making game i wishlist steam and show to my mother


When jumping on the last moving platform the character spaz out and gets pushed to the side of the platform but hovers at the same time. 

Falling through the first moving platform (caused by holding space and the platform is moving up)


Comical scenario of a bird taking a persons wallet 

Giving the player the option to get something to improve their character (the coffee double jump)


Make the wealth counter a bit more noticeable in the top right


Continue to develop the game 

Unsure on what to change

  1. Bugs: Some of the spikes seem to kill me when I am not touching them, and some of them don't kill me at all.
  2. Strengths: I think you've made a challenging platformer with an incredible sense of humour. I absolutely love that the walking animation is just the character spinning and jumping they just flip vertically, it adds a lot of character to the game. I also really like the art style, as crude as it may be, as it is incredibly individual out of all the games submitted, and it makes me laugh. I also think that the inclusion of the shop with the "world's most sane human" was a great touch and double jump being locked behind some progress is a good choice.
  3. Weaknesses: Other than the dodgy collisions with the spikes, I think the game is a bit short. I would like to see Goon be able to retrieve their wallet at some point.
  4. Changes or Improvements: I honestly can't think of anything that needs changing other than the collisions. I really think you have an incredibly funny yet somewhat challenging game on your hands here.


I didn't find any


Very funny! There's a lot of personality here and the animations compliment that well. Its a good challenge on top of that, the downward spikes on the moving platform was creative. its really entertaining and you've fleshed it out a lot with the shop and whatnot.


I really couldn't think of any, great job!


Maybe you could add a little bit to the visual style? Such as a background or something along those lines.

Bugs Describe briefly and accurately any bugs (errors or problems) you spotted in your test

Some of the spikes don't kill me when I touch them, think it was the spikes that obstruct the second moving platform

Strengths (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What are the best parts of the game?

Animations and visual style are entertaining, also like the shop feature where you need to work to unlock the double jump feature

Weaknesses (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What is the weakest part of the game?

Double jump doesn't feel very responsive, quite delayed, I also feel like the character falls too slowly which makes the platforming quite easy.

Changes or Improvements Are there any (small and reasonable) changes or improvements you would recommend?

I would definitely make the double jump more responsive, and the health bars don't serve a purpose yet as the spikes instakill me so maybe implement health system. Some of the spike hitboxes also need fixing.

The art style is colourful and vibrant. There is a bit of comedic value to this game too which I like. 

I also liked the spikes as it adds more obstacles and gains more attention. I think a good way to improve would to make the game more clear, perhaps doing the text in a font and not drawn.

Bugs: sometimes spikes one hit kill and the coffee item did seem to do anything to the character

Strengths: fun and wacky art style makes game more enjoyable to play.

weakness: linear rout for player to take

Changes or improvements:none

Bugs Describe briefly and accurately any bugs (errors or problems) you spotted in your test

After the second moving platform it's reasonably difficult to make the jump onto the first spiked platform, the collision boxes working seems to be quite 50/50

Strengths (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What are the best parts of the game? 

The foundation of mechanics is pretty good, the theme and art is entertaining

Weaknesses (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What is the weakest part of the game? 

I think the artstyle could definitely be refined, the drawn text in particular looks messy and is hard to read

Changes or Improvements Are there any (small and reasonable) changes or improvements you would recommend?

I think having a background with some detail that is on theme would bring the various elements of the game together better. At the moment everything feels quite spaced out and unusually organized.


Bugs the only bug i saw was the Heath bug where I had full health but go intsa skilled by spikes 


The art style 10/10. The movement is really fun to play as well. The upgrade system is fun as well unlocking a double jump feature. 


The bug I would say is the only things. I would also say the writing have no Idea half of what you wrote. 

Changes or Improvements 

Possibly add fall damage to the game making harder. adding health bonus. Try and fix that bug.